
They need full sun and good drainage. The rhizome needs to be visible. If they are planted to deep it will encourage root rot and disease.

 Be aware when planting iris’s that the blue and purple varieties are more vigorous. The stronger more dominant cultivars will take over the iris bed and edge out the other colours.

 It is best to divide and move the iris’s in the mid to late summer.



Daffodils grow and spread. They must be divided regularly or they become crowded and will not bloom well. Divide or plant your bulbs in summer or early autumn. It would be a good idea to mark where they are.

Some daffodil varieties are naturally more vigorous than others. If planted too close together the more vigorous type will crowd out the less vigorous. Yellow daffodils will crowd out the white daffodils.

Pests avoid eating daffodil flowers and bulbs. These spring-flowering bulbs will put a smiled on every gardeners face.